Legacy of Faith Dinner | April 27 at 6:00 p.m.

Mission Highlight: 3:11 Ministries

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This month, we are highlighting the work of 3:11 Ministries, a local organization FPC has partnered with for several years. 3:11 is on a mission to bless at-risk children enrolled in our local schools with basic necessities and provide them a way to experience childhood magic.3:11 was...

Class of 2022

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We're celebrating our graduating seniors! Meet the FPC Class of 2022: Abigail Marie Cain Miss Abigail Marie Cain is the daughter of Paul and Teresa Cain and the granddaughter of Donald and Joan Henager and the late Burton and Darlene Cain. She is a senior at Midland Classical Academy, where she...

Mission Highlight: Cross Clinic, Uganda

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The Cross Clinic, established in 2014 through the work of Dr. Greg Bartha, provides free and very low cost care to patients in rural eastern Uganda.  Each month approximately 2000 people are seen in the clinic, with about 30 babies delivered each month! The most frequent medical problems...

Pakistan Trip

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Karen Winkler and Walter Thompson, as a part of a team from The Outreach Foundation, traveled to visit FPC's partners in Pakistan in late March. Despite difficulties of life as a Christian in Pakistan, we were encouraged to see the church thriving there in many ways. Naulakha Presbyterian...

Father Daughter Dance

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We had such a great time laughing and dancing the night away at our Father Daughter Dance... we already can't wait for next year! Here are a few pictures, but you can check out more by clicking the buttons below! Photo Album Photo Booth Gallery

Animate Lock In: 5 Years Running

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This year is our fifth lock-in, can you believe it? Five years ago we began this tradition and it has been a blast ever since. That first lock-in may still be my favorite. It was small, but it was fun! We even ventured all the way to the Odessa mall to play broom ball at the ice skating rink at...

Hospitality in the Desert Places

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We invited Elizabeth to share the story behind her involvement in helping to found the Teacher Adoption Program for MISD. It's more than a call to help support MISD teachers (though it is that as well). It's a story of how Elizabeth's personal discipleship journey led her to explore what...

FPC + Disaster Relief

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Dear FPC Family, Greetings in Jesus' name to all of you. I wanted to write to you today with a request for donations to assist in disaster relief around our broken world. We have all watched reports from various places over the last several weeks where disasters, both natural and human-made...

Back to School Event

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BY NICOLE BROWN A few weeks ago, our middle school and high school ministries teamed up with Christ Church Anglican and Renew Life Church youth for our big back-to-school party! Renew Life Church hosted this fantastic event for our churches. Our night began with FUN! We started with games and...

2021 Confirmation

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BY GRACE BALMET Confirmation is underway! This year feels so special in the midst of what feels like a new season in First Pres and the world. This year, there are 10 Confirmands and 4 leaders who are already well underway in learning how to do life together while asking deep, formative...