Legacy of Faith Dinner | April 27 at 6:00 p.m.

We Love Our Neighbors

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Through the years, we've always tried to love our neighbors at Midland High well. During the last year, as schools have had to change their own systems and routines to keep students safe while remaining open, we've also had to adapt and adjust. But while some things have changed, our desire to...

Living Large in a Tiny Space

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As we wrap up our January outreach focus on our mission partner, The Field's Edge, we did a mini interview with John-Mark and Briana Echols: Can you tell us a little about what's being built in Phase 1? When it is finished, how many residents will be able to live there? John-Mark: Phase I...

Lynn Scholarship Recipients

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Each year, our Lynn Scholarship committee awards scholarships to Midland County students. The scholarship application is open now through March 31, and we thought this might be a good time to introduce a couple of current recipients. All students from Midland County are invited to apply! Phoebe...

A Prayer for Our Nation

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On Sunday, January 10, Pastor Steve offered this prayer for our nation. (The written text of the prayer follows the video.) In light of the ongoing tensions we're facing, we felt as a community it would be good to take some time to reflect upon this prayer and humbly ask God to show each of...

An Unprecedented Production

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In this year when nothing feels particularly normal, our annual children’s musical promises to be an unprecedented production. Here are three reasons why: 1) It’s a musical you literally cannot see anywhere else. Our very own Sally Green woke up in the middle of the night many years...

Confirmation 2020

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By: Grace Balmet This past week was Confirmation Sunday! If you missed it, we got to celebrate 6 out of 10 Confirmands in both services!    Confirmation is an intentional, community-building class that meets each fall semester in High School Ministry (HSM). This year, we spent time...