Shane & Shane | Feb 1 and 2 - Free Community Concert and Combined Worship

Each week, servant-leaders from our congregation offer their time alongside our staff to help lead the First Presbyterian community in worship at both our 9:00 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. services.

Contemporary Worship

Our contemporary service is led by a team of musicians and singers. We meet once every week in the Chapel at 6:00 p.m. for community-building and rehearsals. If you are interested, come join us one night and learn more, or contact Erica Garza ( ) with any questions.

Click below to apply to serve on the FPC Contemporary Worship Team.

Join the Team

Traditional Worship

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir is the principal ensemble for the 11:10 Traditional Worship service, and is open to all singers in grades 9 through adults, of all musical experiences. The Choir, which rehearses each Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in the choir room, offers repertoire from many traditions accompanied by a variety of instrumental forces, and has presented works ranging from the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven to the Sacred Concert of Duke Ellington. Touring, the Sanctuary Choir has sung in Edinburgh’s St. Giles Cathedral, Canterbury Cathedral, and New York’s Carnegie Hall.

For more information about participating in the Sanctuary Choir, please contact Erica Garza ( ).

Agape Ringers

The Agape Ringers share their gifts both at worship and as participants in the annual West Texas Handbell Festival. This ensemble rehearses Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. in the choir room.

For more information about participating in Agape Ringers, please contact Erica Garza ( )

Children's Choir

Our Children's Choir program shares their gifts and worship and presents Christmas and spring musicals. Children PreK4 through 5th grade are invited to participate. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Smith ( )

Technical Worship

Our worship leaders aren't just in front of the congregation. They are in the back, too, serving behind the scenes. Come hangout with us on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. to learn more about how you can serve with our technical arts team. We always need new people to serve in the following capacities -- and we train! For more information, please contact Mac McCoy ( ).

  • Sound Operations
  • Camera Operators
  • Slide Operators
Serve in Worship

Each week, servant-leaders from our congregation offer their time alongside our staff to help lead the First Presbyterian community in worship at both our 9:0 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. services. We invite you to connect with any of the following leaders to learn more about how you can be involved. 

Music and Singing Ministry
Opportunities include playing instruments and singing.
Worship Services: Erica Garza ( )
Children's Choir: Elizabeth Smith ( )

Technical Arts Ministry
Opportunities include operating the sound, running the slides, or working the camera.
Mac McCoy ( )

Welcome Ministry
Opportunities include greeting, ushering and making sure every worshiper in attendance finds connection.
Jennifer Weldon ( )