Advent and Christmas at First Presbyterian Church

2025 Ski Trip


WHERE: Santa Fe, NM 

WHEN: MLK weekend, January 17-20, 2025

HOW MUCH: $650 per person 

Registrations begin Nov 4th

Check-In will be in FLC Lobby starting at 4:30, Friday January 17.

- Bring sack lunch for ride up to Santa Fe

- Breakfast on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 

- Dinner on Saturday and Sunday 

- Full two days of skiing on Saturday and Sunday 

- All rentals and lift tickets are included 

- Worship and Bible study on Saturday and Sunday 

- Three nights accommodations (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) 

Extra Expenses *not included*: Sack lunch for trip to Santa Fe on Friday, two lunches on the mountain on Saturday & Sunday and lunch on the way back home, Monday.

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