March 9 - One Service at 10 | No Wednesday Gathering March 12

The Rs of Renewal

Posted by First Presbyterian on

Instead of an in-person Immeasurably More Bible Study this semester, we're moving to a series of online devotionals. Check back each Wednesday for a reflection written by a woman in our church for the women in our church!


Sally and her husband Ralph, March 2020

I read an article not long ago that spoke of the “three Rs” in education.  It gave me an idea for this column.  Here are some “Rs” to consider as we move into a time of RENEWAL this Spring! 

RECOGNIZE your personal need for Jesus in your heart and life.  It is only in doing this that we become aware of our emptiness.  The world and its culture haven’t made this discovery yet.  They are all tied up in war and profit.  They look only to their own needs.  They have no future.

REDEDICATE yourself to being His disciple! (Note the root word “discipline.”)  I can think of lots of New Year’s Resolutions that fall by the wayside every year!  “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” my grandmother used to say.  Sometimes I think I’ve made more headway on that road than the road to Emmaus!  But praise God, He gives us a new opportunity each day to follow Him!

RENEW yourself by resting in His presence.  It is in prayer and silence that His voice becomes clear.  His Word is always ready to guide us on the right path if we discipline ourselves to practice staying in His Presence each day.  “They who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40:31)

REJOICE in the Lord always! Again, I say rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) St. Paul had the right attitude.  Take some time to sing around the house and listen to some great music on whatever mode of listening device you use.  This season of the year is a great opportunity to “make melodies unto the Lord in your heart!” (Ephesians 5:19)

RESPOND to God’s great love for you in Jesus Christ by doing something for others.  Our church offers many opportunities to spend time, talent and treasure helping someone who is less fortunate. Take advantage of that.

RELY on Jesus to “come and dwell within you.” (Colossians 3:16) It is His promise to fill you with His Holy Spirit and make you strong in your inner self. For it is out of your inner being that you live out your life.  Then, no matter what the world or its culture deal out, you will be able to cope – NO! – You will be “more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!” (Romans 8:37)

COME! OH, COME! EMMANUEL (God with us!)

It’s not Christmas but these words are good ANY time in my opinion and really helpful in thinking about RENEWAL!

Yours in Encouragement as we look to dive more deeply into God’s Immeasurably More love! -Sally