ECEC Registration Coming Soon

Pakistan Trip

Posted by First Presbyterian on

Karen Winkler and Walter Thompson, as a part of a team from The Outreach Foundation, traveled to visit FPC's partners in Pakistan in late March. Despite difficulties of life as a Christian in Pakistan, we were encouraged to see the church thriving there in many ways.

Naulakha Presbyterian Church, our main partner, is a large, historic church established in 1853. They are free to gather and worship as a registered church, but because of the context of Pakistan, they must have a formidable wall surrounding their property and several police guards stationed there for each event. Though they face risks even in gathering for worship, they come. We were privileged to join them in worship (including baptism!) one Sunday. That night we gathered outside to be led in more worship by a few upcoming Pakistani Christian artists. God is moving in Pakistan.

Another highlight of our trip was visiting a few churches in rural villages and experiencing the deep contrast of city/country life. Everywhere we went, we received an exaggeratedly warm welcome including showers of rose petals and fresh rose garlands placed on our necks. Each church led lively songs with traditional instruments. We loved getting to spend a bit of time with this part of the Church and see what God is up to in a place that is far from us in so many ways and look forward to getting to share more later.