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FPC + Disaster Relief

Posted by First Presbyterian on

Dear FPC Family,

Greetings in Jesus' name to all of you. I wanted to write to you today with a request for donations to assist in disaster relief around our broken world. We have all watched reports from various places over the last several weeks where disasters, both natural and human-made, have struck. God calls us as a church to live out his Kingdom values here on the earth. We have the incredible responsibility to show the world how beautiful God's Kingdom is.

In God's Kingdom, people are loved perfectly, cared for fully, and provided for in times of need. As we look forward to God's Kingdom coming in all its fullness in the future, we do what we can to give the world glimpses of it meanwhile.

With this in mind, I invite you to prayerfully consider donating to help with disaster relief efforts in a few places around the world. FPC is planning to come alongside trusted partners in a few of the areas affected by disaster recently:

File: First Lt Mark Andries/US Marine Corps via Reuters
Shwe Phee Myay News Agency / Via AFP-JIJI

Myanmar (Burma)
Though we don't hear much in the headlines these days, the military continues to attack the people of Myanmar and hundreds of thousands have been forced to leave their homes. Several partners we work with are helping provide for those with dire needs in Myanmar.

Adrees Latif/Reuters

Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

The earthquake and subsequent tropical storm have put many people in perilous situations. Getting relief and rebuilding supplies there is a huge challenge. World Renew, the official disaster relief organization partnering with our ECO denomination, has people on the ground in Haiti providing relief and transitioning to long-term development work there.

File: First Lt Mark Andries/US Marine Corps via Reuters

The situation in Afghanistan remains nearly incomprehensible in scope, but the focus for relief at this time is to provide for those most in danger. A couple of our mission partners have begun working to assist both those who have left the country and those who cannot.

Adrees Latif/Reuters

Hurricane Ida (U.S.)
Hurricane Ida left a devastating path of destruction through Louisiana as well as the flooding in the northeast. Relief and rebuilding efforts are in order and already underway via World Renew.

Our Global Mission committee has vetted and, in many cases, has been working alongside these partner ministries for many years. If you designate your gift "Disaster Relief," the Global Mission Committee will distribute the funds to the four areas above, according to current needs. If you prefer, you may designate your donation to a particular area, i.e., "Disaster: Afghanistan."

Please keep each of these situations and other areas of concern around our country and world in your prayers. Thank you for partnering with FPC in God's Kingdom work.

Pastor Walter

Give Now to Disaster Relief

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