Legacy of Faith Dinner | April 27 at 6:00 p.m.

Belize: Day 4

Posted by First Presbyterian on

Good Evening Church Family, 

We had a great fourth day (our last day) in the village! We were sad to leave the village this afternoon, but happy to have had such an incredible week. 
On our way into the village this morning we went through a town along the way named San Antonio. In San Antonio, they were having their first Farmer’s Day Market. We stopped at the market to check out the local coffee farm. 
We headed to El Progresso to finish art projects and singing at the school, as well as the final touches on the pavilion. A small plumbing project was the last step to our construction project so the kids are able to have clean drinking water and a place to clean up before and after meals.
Our day was filled with tons of smiles and hugs from children and faculty as we were soaking up our last day at the school. The three youngest members of our team, Adalise, Jillian, and Audrey, put on a puppet show for the entirety of the school before all the kids gave us sweet cards as a thank you and final goodbye. The notes were very creative, thoughtful, and solidified the love we felt from the children throughout this wonderful week. The staff also gifted us a certificate to show their appreciation for the work we have been doing this week.