March 9 - One Service at 10 | No Wednesday Gathering March 12

Belize: Day 2

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Good Evening Church Family, 

We completed day 2 here in Belize! Today we raised the roof, literally! The roof on the pavilion that we are building out beside the school needed to be raised about two feet higher. This ended up being quite the project for the day! (Pictured below) 

Our team that worked at the school had a great day! Our team who began working on projects with the kids finished those up this morning. Our musicians continued to lead music in the classes. They even were able to go over to the new preschool that is a part of the school to lead music with them today. Pat began working on an art project with each of the classes making a beautiful flower with coffee filters, markers, and pipe cleaners. The kids had a blast! 

Our day ended on a high note, we got to have dinner with our good friend Kenny, his wife Claudia, and their three kids.