Family Discipleship that Works | Sundays at 10:10

Belize: Day 1

Posted by First Presbyterian on

Good Evening Church Family, 

We just completed our first full day in Belize! We have an incredible team made up of some who have been coming to Belize for many years and others who this is their first time. For those of us who have been before, it is the first time back since spring of 2020 (before covid). Today was such a blessing to all of us who were able to see friends who we have not been able to see since 2020. Like every year, we as a team are working on a construction project, working with the school, and building relationships. This year, our construction project just happens to be at the school. Not long after we last visited in 2020, the school had to take the once beautiful trees out that lined the front of the school. Since then, the school has had no shade for the students during recess and lunch. The project is building a pavilion out beside the school. Today, half of our team joined the team here in the village preparing to pour a concrete slab later this week. This consisted of  shoveling dirt and rocks and packing it down.  (Pictured below) 

The other half of our team, began working with the teachers at the school. We had a team leading the students in music, their favorite song to sing is Father Abraham! We also had a team leading an art project. This project consisted of cutting out a chain of people with paper to make a chain of friends. We were able to talk about the importance of friendships and how God gave us our friends and then the students were able to color and tell us about their friendships! (Pictured below.) 

Of course, we had to take a break for lunch and even to drink some fresh coconut water! It was a hot day, it was even hot for our friends in the village! We definitely needed the rest and the refreshment! (Pictured below.) 


The Belize Team 

Walter, Madison, Mac, Dwight, Nicole, Amy, Pat, Patty, Wesley, Grace, Adalise, Melissa, Hudson, Scott, Jillian, and Audrey