Shane & Shane | Feb 1 and 2 - Free Community Concert and Combined Worship

Back to School Event

Posted by First Presbyterian on


A few weeks ago, our middle school and high school ministries teamed up with Christ Church Anglican and Renew Life Church youth for our big back-to-school party! Renew Life Church hosted this fantastic event for our churches.

Our night began with FUN! We started with games and food trucks outside. We have some yummy food trucks, a snow cone truck, an obstacle course, gaga ball, and of course 9-square!

After all of the fun at the beginning, we went into worship! The incredible band at Renew Life and Brendyn Wallace, our worship leader, led us in an amazing worship set. One of my favorite things is getting together with other churches and giving a space for students all across the city to worship alongside one another.

After worship, the message was preached by Kieth Null, the Lead Pastor at Renew Life in Lubbock. Kieth preached about Zacchaeus and the rich young ruler. He challenged the students to be like Zacchaeus and give up everything to follow Jesus, not to be like the rich young ruler who did not inherit the kingdom of God because he was not willing to give up everything to follow God. Kieth then challenged our students with what that could look like in their own lives and asked them if they would be willing to give up what is holding them back to follow God.

I am beyond thankful for the opportunity for our students to get together with other churches and students across Midland to have fun and worship, and learn alongside one another.