Shane & Shane | Feb 1 and 2 - Free Community Concert and Combined Worship

Animate Lock In: 5 Years Running

Posted by First Presbyterian on

This year is our fifth lock-in, can you believe it? Five years ago we began this tradition and it has been a blast ever since. That first lock-in may still be my favorite. It was small, but it was fun! We even ventured all the way to the Odessa mall to play broom ball at the ice skating rink at 11:00 p.m. I will never forget those memories.

Since year one, we have always begun our lock-in with worship, a message, and small groups. This allows us to set the tone for the evening. It reminds us why we are there. We are there to worship God first... and of course to have fun!

Another tradition we started that year was our breakfast at midnight tradition. If you know me (Nicole), you know that breakfast is my favorite meal by far. So of course, breakfast at midnight was a must. It always is a fun time and is a good break to our night.

The last tradition we began that year was hide-and-seek. Every year we have played hide-and-seek throughout the whole church from 1:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Yes, I am crazy. But, yes, it is a blast!

We couldn’t do all of this without our team of amazing volunteers each week help with everything from set-up to staying the whole night. If you are interested in volunteering, let me know!

Lock In 2017

Lock In 2018

Lock In 2019

Lock In 2020