Advent and Christmas at First Presbyterian Church

2021 Confirmation

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Confirmation is underway! This year feels so special in the midst of what feels like a new season in First Pres and the world. This year, there are 10 Confirmands and 4 leaders who are already well underway in learning how to do life together while asking deep, formative questions. This year, we are focusing on reading the Gospel of John. We're reading it with the lens of learning and holding fast to the big idea that Jesus is our savior. What a way to start high school off well!

We leaders are always so impressed with the way that the Ninth Grade Confirmands jump right into listening and absorbing information, asking questions, sharing thoughts, and creating community within their class. Last week, Pastor Dillon came and taught a class on God the Father. This next week, we'll spend intentional small group time reflecting on Pastor Dillon's class, as well as how it ties into our Gospel readings so far.

In a few weeks, we'll get to visit different church services and dive into what it means to hold tight to our church community at First Pres while also learning how to respect, love, and participate in others' worship settings. We are so excited!

Confirmation is such a sweet way for a high school student to walk with a community while learning, forming, and owning their faith! I am so humbled to be a part of this season of HSM 9th grade life!