2024 FPC Directory Updates

Fall Schedule

    07.30.24 | First Presbyterian Church

    SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES -- Starting August 18

    • Contemporary Service | 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel
    • Traditional Service | 11:10 a.m. in the Sanctuary

    Nursery and Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 are available for the duration of both services. Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade can leave the worship services after the Time with Children for a kid-friendly time of worship and fellowship.

    Discipleship Hour | 10:10 - 11:00 a.m.

    • First Pres Nursery (6 months-2 years) | Our nursery is open Sunday mornings for both worship services and the discipleship hour. When you bring your children to our nursery, you can be sure they're being cared for mind, body, and soul. On Sundays, we serve children ages 6 months to 2 years by September 1, and we look forward to getting to know your family! Questions: Mari Valverde ( )
    • First Pres PreK (K-3 and K-4) | Our PreK children will learn about Jesus in an age-appropriate manner and enjoy worship, crafts, free play, and snacks. Drop-off your children at the double-doors near the nursery; they can stay for the duration of either worship service and the discipleship hour class. Questions: Mari Valverde ( )
    • First Pres Kids (Kinder-5th) | Parents will bring their K-5th grade kids to the Children’s Main Meeting Area, which is upstairs in the southeast corner of the church, and pick their children up in their grade-level classroom at 11:00 a.m. If your children participate in the 9:00 a.m. children’s worship service, we can take them directly to their First Pres 10:10 discipleship class. (Classroom list and pick-up instructions available at check-in.) Questions: Debbie Gainer ( )
    • Student Ministry | All middle and high school students can check-in at the Student Ministry area (above gym) to be directed to their classes. Contact Pam Rodriguez ( ) for more information.
    • Adult Classes | Questions: Charlotte Bosecker ( )
      • The Covenant Class | A weekly exploration of scripture; open to all. Room 216/Upper Room, Facilitator: Glenn Rogers
      • The Compass Class | Bible Studies for Life (Lifeway); open to all. Community Room, Facilitator: Jim Longstreet 
      • Discipleship Training Cohort (DTC) | A class led by our pastors to help form leaders ready to step into ministry 
      • Faith, Family, and Fun | Starting September 8, a class led by Morgan Adams on everyday ways to help your 3-10 year old kids have a meaningful childhood. Koinonia Room.



    Come to the Quiet

    Wednesdays, Starting August 21 | Join us for a mid-week time of reflection, prayer, and worship from 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel.

    Wednesday Evening Gathering Meal 

    Join us for a church family dinner in Lynn Hall on Wednesday nights, starting August 21. Dinner is served each week from 5:00-6:00 p.m. and includes a rotating main course, salad bar, and dessert for $5 per person with a $20 max per family.

    Children's and Nursery Ministry

    • Nursery | Our nursery is open Wednesday evenings and for other scheduled events throughout the week. Questions about nursery or availability? Contact Mari Valverde ( )
    • Children’s Choir (PreK-4 to 5th Grade) | Wednesdays, Starting August 21; 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. - Children’s choir is all about loving and leading kids to a deeper life and love in Christ! Through worship, prayer, and fellowship, we spend time growing our faith and pouring the love of Jesus into kids and each other. Learn more and register at fpcmid.org/children, Questions: Elizabeth Smith ( )

    Student Ministries

    • Middle School | 6th - 8th grade - Wednesdays starting August 21 from 6:00 -7:30 p.m. Contact Pam Rodriguez ( ) for more information.
    • High School | 9th - 12th grade - Sundays starting August 25 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Contact Pam Rodriguez ( ) for more information.
    • Confirmation | Our 9th grade students participating in Confirmation will start on Wednesday, August 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. For more details, contact Jennifer Ramos ( )

    Discover First

    Wednesday, August 18 and 21 | If you're interested in learning more about becoming part of the First Presbyterian Church family, join us for our Discover First class. We'll meet from 6:00 - 7:30 in the Library. Led by the pastors, this class will introduce you to the life and ministry of our church and help you find ways to get involved. Contact Joyce Mendoza ( ) for more details.


    Discipleship Groups

    We want you to experience the beauty and magnificence of God in community. Our discipleship small groups will help you become aware of God’s constant presence, dive into scripture, develop spiritual practices, and share your transforming life with others. We have groups for men and women; groups for singles and couples; groups that meet early in the morning and others that meet in the evening. Childcare for nursery age children is available. To sign-up for a group or if you have any questions, contact Jennifer Ramos ( ).

    Adult Ministries

    • First Ladies Luncheons | All women are invited to join us once a month in Lynn Hall at noon to hear a guest speaker and enjoy lunch with friends. Monthly invitations will be sent, but you can save the following dates: September 18, October 16, November 20, December 18, January 15, and February 19. Questions: Jennifer Ramos ( )
    • Women's Bible Study | Starting September 11, On the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, we're meeting at 11:30 a.m. in Lynn Hall for lunch and a study where we'll learn Biblical truths from the writings of Holocaust survivor and Christian, Corrie ten Boom. Questions: Jennifer Ramos ( )
    • Men’s Lunches | Beginning August 27, all men are invited to join us on the last Tuesday of every month for lunch and a guest speaker at 11:30 in Lynn Hall. Questions: Jennifer Ramos ( )
    • Good Mourning Mondays | On the last Monday of each month, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the parlor, join us for a grief support group. Whether your grief is fresh or familiar, all are welcome. Questions: Mary Helen Phillips (
    • Caregiver Support Group | On the first and third Wednesdays each month, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Bride's room, join our group for those engaged in long-term caregiving. Questions: Mary Helen Phillips (

    Musical Opportunities

    • Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal | Practice on Wednesdays, 7:15 - 8:30 p.m. The Choir is the ensemble for the traditional service, open to all singers, high school through adult. Adult Choir Room (Room 224), Questions: Erica Garza ( )
    • Agape Ringers | Practice on Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. The Ringers are the ensemble for the traditional service, open to all adult musicians. Adult Choir Room (Room 224), Questions: Erica Garza ( )
    • Contemporary Worship Team | To learn more about opportunities to serve in our contemporary worship service, please contact Erica Garza ( )

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