Family Discipleship that Works | Sundays at 10:10

First Presbyterian Midland has been worshiping and growing together in West Texas since 1885.

Through generations of booms and busts, Midlanders at FPC hold fast to the one thing that is sure and unchanging, the love of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. As our community members have explored the depths of the earth for some of the richest natural resources in the world, we have sought to explore the depths of the soul, growing deeper in our love for Jesus and for one another, finding the truly abundant life only God can give.
Our Mission

The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to love and lead all people to deeper life in Jesus Christ. Please join us on the journey to fulfill this purpose and become the church God is calling us to be. Everyone is welcome!

LOVING AND LEADING None of us were meant to live a Christian life alone. That’s where the Church comes in. We believe God showed us his love especially through Jesus, but God also means to show his love through his Church, a community so distinct and loving that the world takes notice and is led back to God. It’s that kind of love, God’s love, that leads us out of our doors into our workplaces, our neighborhoods, and our world so we can point people back to him.

ALL PEOPLE We believe Jesus gave us a Great Commission: to go to all people with the good news that God wouldn’t stop at anything to save us. God has called us to love people of all ages, races, professions, abilities, backgrounds, and cultures, showing the same incredible hospitality and generosity he’s shown us to Midland, to Texas, and to the ends of the earth.

TO DEEPER LIFE We want you to find deeper life in Christ, one far more satisfying than anything we could find on our own. Just as Midland has grown and the oil industry thrives because it goes deep underground, we want you to explore the ways God wants you to discover the depths of his design for your life and calls you to be transformed - mind, soul, heart, and strength - so you can serve God and others with everything you are.

IN JESUS CHRIST All of who we are and what we do is centered around Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. Our church is just a group of broken people with amazing stories of the ways Christ’s love has begun to recreate us.. We want you to get to know Jesus, to enjoy Him, and to learn what it means to follow Him in every area of your life.
Our Staff and Leaders

One of our core values at FPC is unwavering hospitality, and our staff is here to answer your questions and help you feel at home. Our office is open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00 am to noon on Friday. All of us can be reached at 432-684-7821.

Leadership empowered by the Holy Spirit allows the church to function at its best. Our congregation depends on the vital leadership of two governing bodies: the Session, made up of elders, and the Diaconate, consisting of Deacons.

Staff  leadership

Our Beliefs

At First Presbyterian, our church celebrates and strives to live out a biblical and historic Christian faith. Our faith, shaped by the Old and New Testaments of Scripture, can be summarized in the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed. As a member of the ECO Presbyterian tradition, we affirm ECO’s Essential Tenants as a brief summary of our doctrinal commitments. 

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about our church, how our mission is lived out, or ways you can join in, please consider joining us at our next Discover First class. Contact Stephanie Hernandez ( ) for more info.