2024 FPC Directory Updates

Lynn Scholarship Recipients

Posted by First Presbyterian on

Each year, our Lynn Scholarship committee awards scholarships to Midland County students. The scholarship application is open now through March 31, and we thought this might be a good time to introduce a couple of current recipients. All students from Midland County are invited to apply!

Phoebe Westfall

My name is Phoebe Westfall, and I am currently a Sophomore at Dallas Baptist University. I am studying PreNursing. Beginning to study this field has actually been a recent decision. Before quarantine, I had begun to grow frustrated with my current major, and as we moved into the period of lockdown, I began wondering if the Lord was calling me to stay where I was or to make a change. After many conversations and prayers, I felt led to begin pursuing nursing. This was a very exciting change for me, as I had always viewed the medical field as admirable, but not something I could personally do. Through a lot of encouragement I felt not only secure but excited to make the change to nursing, and I can confidently say after a semester of study that I am just as excited. I desire to love and serve people through practical means.  Meeting their physical needs is doing that and is an avenue to share the Gospel. I am hoping to pursue pediatric nursing, and begin nursing school at Baylor in January of 2022.

My favorite memory from the 2020-2021 school year would be getting to join a sorority that is centered around pursuing Christ as a community and serving a community of young moms who lack support in Dallas. Being able to serve with a group of women committed to loving the Lord and each other well has been an answer to prayer. I would ask for prayer in several areas: First, that I would be dedicated above all else to pursuing a relationship with Christ this school year, and that I would be quick to love those around me. Second, that I would be motivated and intentional in my studies. I would ask for prayers that I would have a love for learning as I continue to take hard courses, and that I would have perspective to understand the value of this stage of education. And finally, I would ask for prayers that at the end of this school year, I would be a better Christ-follower, friend, and student than I was in the beginning.

I so appreciate the support of this church, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share how this scholarship has impacted me.

Sophia Ortiz

My name is Sophia Ortiz and I am attending Barton Community College in Great Bend, Kansas. I'm studying Elementary Education, and I'm a member of their swim team. I chose to study Elementary Education because I enjoy watching young children learn and explore the world around them, while guiding them to their own success. Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher and work with children. (Sophia's mom, Olivia, is the Assistant Director of our Early Childhood Education Center!)

My favorite memory this year was meeting my teammates for the first time and being able to continue my passion for swim. The team was openhearted and ready to help me succeed in and out of the pool, which was a sign that God wanted me here. I love my classes here and my teammates and am thankful for the blessings God has given me. I would like to ask for prayers for continued good health while I am away at school and for an end to the pandemic.